ARA Drive: Empowering New Australians to Achieve Independence

Amina* fled to Australia with her two children. They wanted safety and security in their new life. Free from the dangers of war and persecution.

They were happy in their new home. But Amina was unable to find employment. And the trauma from war and displacement began to overwhelm them. They were soon at risk of homelessness.

Amina looked for work everywhere. She soon realised that a driver’s licence was what she needed to find a job. With no car or funds to get driving lessons she was faced with unemployment and homelessness.

You can help refugees get their licence and open doors to employment. Refugees are waiting for help.

Donate to raise $30,000 to buy a second ARA Drive car. You can be the difference!

Through an ARA caseworker Amina was referred to the ARA Drive Program. She was given access to a car and a trained volunteer to give her driving practice. Amina finally passed her test and earned her licence. It was a moment of immense pride and relief. She is one of 65% of clients walking straight into a job after ARA Drive.

“I can’t believe it. I have done it. Now I can drive the children to school and find a good job to pay for all the bills. Thank you, ARA, for this hope.” Said Amina.

Amina quickly got a position in a packing company. It required her to drive between multiple locations. Amina’s new job enabled her to pay the rent and bills. It also boosted her confidence and sense of belonging in her new country.

Everyday refugees ask ARA for support to get their licence. With a waiting list of over 90 people the demand for this critical service continues to grow. Help us raise $30,000 to purchase a second car.

By giving a gift today, you can provide this life changing service to more refugees like Amina. Give them independence and financial stability.

“For refugees without a licence ARA Drive represents independence and opportunity. ARA Drive graduates are able to secure long-term employment, attend medical appointments, educational courses, and engage more in their communities.”
Mohsen – ARA Community Projects Coordinator

Your gift can enable refugees like Amina to gain independence and financial security. Unlock the door to opportunity for refugees today.

Amina’s is just one example of the life changing impact a driver’s licence can have. You can help them overcome one of the most significant hurdles to getting a job. By increasing access to employment, education, and community involvement, you are opening doors to new opportunities for refugees and their families as they work to rebuild their lives in Australia.

Two thirds of ARA Drive participants who get their licence walk straight into employment.

Will you help us raise $30,000 to purchase a new ARA Drive car?

ARA Drive changes lives. So can you!


*Names have been changed to protect identities

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