Inclusive Employability Program

Inclusive Employability Program

At the Australian Refugee Association (ARA), we believe in the power of support and opportunity. Our commitment is to provide meaningful support to our participants, offering long-term opportunities.

One such initiative is our Inclusive Employability Program (IEP), designed to open doors for participants in areas like employment, hobbies, and volunteering.

Today, we are proud to share the encouraging experiences of four remarkable individuals – Tasneem, Omari, Dhan, and Ani – who have seen their lives transformed through their involvement with ARA’s Inclusive Employability Program (IEP).

Tasneem shares, ‘ARA is the best thing that ever happened to me; it gave me my life back. I regained my confidence working with patients like David and Geoff, and now I feel I can do anything.’

Tasneem’s story began as an Afghan national-facing severe isolation due to her medical condition, which made it challenging for her to find work or engage in social life. Through the extensive support of ARA’s case workers and several workshops – including digital literacy, CV preparation, interview skills, conversational English, obtaining a driving license, and participating in work placements – she regained her confidence and successfully secured a full-time job in a local restaurant.

Omari recounts, ‘ARA’s employment team rescued me from my darkest days. From being a depressed, angry, and frustrated individual, they helped me become the happiest person in the world. Now, I am proudly running my own barber business. A heartfelt thank you to all the ARA staff.’

Originally from Congo and living with a disability that requires him to use crutches, Omari never lost his hope and aspirations. His journey with ARA enabled him to learn how to start his own barber business, turning his life around.

Dhan expressed, ‘A big thank you to ARA for connecting us with local farmers. Thanks to this, four families in our community have gained employment. I am immensely happy and grateful for the support ARA provided in helping our community members secure jobs. I look forward to continuing my support with transportation and am thankful for the great work ARA does.’

Hailing from Bhutan, Dhan’s physical injuries restricted his active participation in the workforce. However, after participating in our workshops, he volunteered to assist with transporting people to agricultural jobs, playing a vital role in their employment opportunities.

Ani comments, ‘I am so grateful to ARA. They provided me the chance to pursue my passion: gardening and teaching others to grow their own vegetables successfully.’

Ani, a grandmother from Papua New Guinea, was isolated before she began her work experience at a local nursery. She now dedicates her time to teaching others about sustainable vegetable gardening using recycled water.

The stories of Tasneem, Omari, Dhan, and Ani are more than individual achievements; they embody the community spirit and the transformative impact of support. At ARA, we aim to make a positive difference, one life at a time. Inspired by their journeys, we are motivated to continue our work, helping others discover their paths to success and fulfilment and supporting people from all walks of life.

At ARA, our resources go beyond just guidance and encouragement. We host workshops and individual sessions and offer job search advice tailored to lead our participants to employment. We are equipped to assist with crafting job application letters, exploring training options, prepare for learner’s driving license and securing valuable volunteering and work experience opportunities to help our participants navigate their journey ahead in Australia.

Read more about our Inclusive Employability Program here.

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